Thursday, March 26, 2015

Book Review: Five Kingdoms: Crystal Keepers is an amazing blend of fantasy and science fiction

Hi everyone. My prioritizing is still not good. For now I wanted to get this book review up for you. It's for Brandon Mull's new book: Five Kingdoms: Crystal Keepers.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Cole and his friends are still on the run in the Outskirts. This time, they are traveling to the kingdom of Zeropolis, the most advanced kingdom in this world. This kingdom matches the idea of most futuristic cities, and the magic system of shaping in this kingdom is called tinkering. This skill allows them to use crystals to accomplish their means. However this high-tech place is not a walk in the park. The Grand Shaper in this kingdom is seeking absolute control, and he is on the verge of crushing all resistance. To find Mira's sister Constance Cole will have to travel beyond Zeropolis, make unlikely alliances, and face the wrath of dangerous technology. All the while, the mystery of shapecrafting begins to be unraveled. But will they be able to face all the dangers and save the Outskirts? Or will Cole and his friends be unable to return home ever?
I really enjoyed the way Brandon Mull used magic to power high levels of technology in this book. It really breaks several cliches in the realm of fantasy. He also continues to pull unexpected twists and turns, keeping you on the edge of your seat. Some events happened in this book that I was not expecting until the last book, but I won't say what. His world building skills are really going in new directions in this series. Mull has created fun new games played only in Zeropolis, and unlike most kingdoms there is a way to find out what's going on in our world in Zeropolis. If you want a change from wizards, trolls, and knights, pick up this book.
Children are in peril. Men try to capture the characters several times. A person is mentioned as having lost their leg a while ago. Someone is abducted. Some of the action scenes may prove too intense for younger readers. The appearance of a demonic creature might scare some people. A robotic dragon rampages across the city.
When we act out of selfishness we hurt others as well as ourselves. Technology can be used for good purposes as well as bad. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, the past will repeat itself.

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