Friday, September 29, 2017

Book Review: Ruins of Gorlan is a fantastic series start

Good evening. For those who are still awake, I have chosen to do a review for a book I just finished: The Ruins of Gorlan, the first book of the Ranger's Apprentice series.
Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars
Will is a ward of Baron Arald, who is chosen to be an apprentice for the ranger Halt. As his training progresses, he learns not only skills for his new trade, but of the threat of a defeated baron called Morgarath, who has been amassing forces from beyond the kingdom, and now is ready to make his move. Will the rangers be able to stop him before it is too late?
I was recommended this series by a friend, and I'm glad I picked it up. It is a good book for a person starting to get into fantasy series. What helps this book stand out is the focus on what it takes for a person to be a ranger, and the training they go through. The exclusion of traditional fantasy races also helps it stand out on its own, and shows creativity on the author's side as he crafts two original races for this world of his. The story isn't drawn out, and while it's too the point, you can still get a lot is happening. Definitely a series worth the read.
A few uses of the d-word and h-word, and one person uses God's name in an exclamation of shock. Some fights break out, and blood is seen. The description of a monster might be terrifying.
Every one of us is given special skills that we must learn to develop. Knowledge can overcome suspicions.

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