Saturday, January 25, 2014

Review of Prophet: The Story of Nat Turner

Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been blogging so much. I've been trying to make sure I stay caught up in school. I did read a book I wanted to share with you. It's different from other books I've reviewed because this one is historical fiction. It's called Prophet: The Story of Nat Turner.
This story is written as a screenplay which makes it easy to follow and understand. We learn about Nat Turner and the horrible things slaves were made to go through during the years preceding the Civil War. However Nat's faith in God gives him the strength to endure all the cruelties and harshness of the world around him and eventually he sets out to change things forever.
Kenya Cagle does an excellent job of presenting the lifestyle of the southern states preceding the Civil War. We learn that because the plantation owners treated others poorly they reaped what they sowed. It can be a little sad and disheartening to read about these things. Nevertheless it is important to remember these events so we can learn from them and try to avoid repeating history. Well done, Kenya Cagle.
Stars: 5 out of 5.

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